Choose E-A-R™ UltraFit™ Earplugs if you’re looking for an excellent hearing-protection option that provides improved hygiene performance and a wonderfully comfortable wearing experience. Triple-flange design contours itself to a wide variety of ear-canal shapes and sizes to ensure a more effective noise-blocking seal, making them more practical and more versatile, too. Almost anyone can find a snug, comfortable fit with a pair of UtraFit™. Flexi-fit stem and no-roll tips allow the wearer to insert the plugs without touching the earplugs' tips, keeping the tips and the user's ears clean, even when the user's fingers or gloves aren't. All UltraFit™ Earplugs are compatible with the 3M™ E-A-Rfit™ Dual-Ear Validation System. E-A-Rfit™ provides an accurate quantitative assessment of exactly how much noise-reduction a hearing protector provides to any given worker. Triple-flange tips are washable and reusable (handwash with soap and water only).
Note: This is a non-returnable item.
Note: This is a non-returnable item.
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