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L10 Sani-prep Dairy Towels, Banded, 2-ply, 9.3 X 10.5, Unscented, White, 200/pack, 12 Packs/carton
L10 Sani-prep Dairy Towels, Banded, 2-ply, 9.3 X 10.5, Unscented, White, 200/pack, 12 Packs/carton
L10 Sani-prep Dairy Towels, Banded, 2-ply, 9.3 X 10.5, Unscented, White, 200/pack, 12 Packs/carton
L10 Sani-prep Dairy Towels, Banded, 2-ply, 9.3 X 10.5, Unscented, White, 200/pack, 12 Packs/carton
L10 Sani-prep Dairy Towels, Banded, 2-ply, 9.3 X 10.5, Unscented, White, 200/pack, 12 Packs/carton
L10 Sani-prep Dairy Towels, Banded, 2-ply, 9.3 X 10.5, Unscented, White, 200/pack, 12 Packs/carton
L10 Sani-prep Dairy Towels, Banded, 2-ply, 9.3 X 10.5, Unscented, White, 200/pack, 12 Packs/carton
L10 Sani-prep Dairy Towels, Banded, 2-ply, 9.3 X 10.5, Unscented, White, 200/pack, 12 Packs/carton
L10 Sani-prep Dairy Towels, Banded, 2-ply, 9.3 X 10.5, Unscented, White, 200/pack, 12 Packs/carton
L10 Sani-prep Dairy Towels, Banded, 2-ply, 9.3 X 10.5, Unscented, White, 200/pack, 12 Packs/carton
L10 Sani-prep Dairy Towels, Banded, 2-ply, 9.3 X 10.5, Unscented, White, 200/pack, 12 Packs/carton


L10 Sani-prep Dairy Towels, Banded, 2-ply, 9.3 X 10.5, Unscented, White, 200/pack, 12 Packs/carton

Regular price $72.80
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When you need a light-duty wiper to deliver results at an economical price, the WypAll L10 Wipers are a great choice. Designed for farm and agricultural environments, they are soft, strong and absorbent. WypAll L10 Wipers are manufactured using a very efficient manufacturing technology that makes them extra absorbent. Since these white wipers absorb better than towels and drink up liquids faster, you get better drying performance that can reduce usage overall. WypAll L10 Wipers are a terrific, reliable replacement for paper towels and can add efficiency to your business.

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