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Rotomolded Recycling Tilt Truck, 1 Cu Yd, 1,250 Lb Capacity, Plastic/steel Frame, Blue
Rotomolded Recycling Tilt Truck, 1 Cu Yd, 1,250 Lb Capacity, Plastic/steel Frame, Blue
Rotomolded Recycling Tilt Truck, 1 Cu Yd, 1,250 Lb Capacity, Plastic/steel Frame, Blue
Rotomolded Recycling Tilt Truck, 1 Cu Yd, 1,250 Lb Capacity, Plastic/steel Frame, Blue

Rubbermaid® Commercial

Rotomolded Recycling Tilt Truck, 1 Cu Yd, 1,250 Lb Capacity, Plastic/steel Frame, Blue

Regular price $995.11
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Rubbermaid® Commercial Rotomolded Recycling Tilt Truck features industrial-strength construction and several use-convenience features to transport the heaviest loads easily and reliably. Constant force fulcrum design allows for controlled dumping by one person, and the DuraTilt™ steel frame allows the truck to stay stable while in the tilted position, making both the dumping and cleaning process easier than it would be with traditional metal frames. Seamless, one-piece molded-plastic body won't rust, dent, pit, chip or peel, making it a snap to clean and maintain. Prominent display of the universal recycling symbol helps ensure the proper truck is employed to the proper purpose. Center-mount, 5-inch swivel-back casters and inset, 12-inch blow-molded polypropylene wheels ensure easy maneuvering down hallways, through doorways and onto elevators, while they and the steel frame remain fully set back from the truck's body to minimize the potential for damaging walls, corners and anything or anyone that might be in the vicinity. Optional domed lids sold separately.

Note: This is a non-returnable item.

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