Covered wounds heal faster than if left uncovered. Try Band-Aid Brand Sterile Adhesive bandages from the #1 doctor recommended bandage brand. The Adhesive Bandage Family Variety Pack contains assorted sizes of sheer and clear adhesive bandages for any minor cut, scrape, or burn. These sterile bandages feature a Quilt-Aid Comfort Pad designed to cushion painful wounds while you heal and Tri-Ply backing with unique adhesive staying power. The backing of the flexible bandages is designed with Microvent Technology for superior breathability. The Hurt-Free Pad won't stick to the wound, allowing for gentle removal. Available in five different shapes and sizes, this package contains: Sheer Strips bandages measuring 1.75 x 4 inches; Sheer Strips bandages measuring 1 x 3 inches; Clear Strips bandages measuring 0.75 x 3 inches; Sheer Strips bandages measuring 0.63 x 2.25 inches; and Clear Spots bandages measuring 0.88 x 0.88 inches. Variety packages of bandages make for great first aid kit supplies.
Note: This is a non-returnable item.
Note: This is a non-returnable item.
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