The easy-to-use Squids 3003 Retractable Tool Lanyard features a patent-pending design that limits snag hazards, while maintaining a low profile when anchored. High-strength, cut-resistant Dyneema cord meets the demands of the harshest conditions, while keeping the weight down to a minimum. Textured for a better grip and greater overall functionality, the durable, fiberglass-reinforced nylon housing protects the internal workings of the retractable design, and a tapered cord exit limits the potential for concrete and other debris from entering the mechanism when the cord is retracted back into the housing. With a double-action, self-locking aluminum carabiner on either end, the user can connect one carabiner to tools weighing up to 0.5 lb for full retractable functionality (or 2 lb for drop-protection only) and connect the other carabiner to D-rings and anchor points. Both lanyard ends feature a freely swiveling connection to minimize tangles and awkward working positions. When working at-heights, it’s critical to tether your tools, so do it right with Squids tool lanyards. Squids 3003 lanyards are also great for fishing, hunting, camping, boating and a variety of other outdoor recreational activities. Third-party certified to a 2:1 safety factor.
Note: This is a non-returnable item.
Note: This is a non-returnable item.
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