The Squids 3120 Burn + Cut-Resistant Aramid Tool Lanyard with Dual Loop Ends is made of DuPont™ Kevlar® to reduce the potential for burning, abrasion and general degradation when exposed to sparks, flames, heat and sharp edges or objects. Loops on both ends make it easy for the user to tether tools weighing up to 10 lb on one end and to fixed anchor points on the other, minimizing the potential for accidentally dropped objects and tools from becoming dangerous projectiles when working at heights. Constructed of 100% non-conductive, heavy-gauge aramid-fiber webbing, this ultra-durable, elastic tool lanyard provides the strength and durability required in the harshest work environments, even when working around exposed electrical circuits and high-heat sources. Single-length webbing format also eliminates the potential for the weak points commonly seen on multi-component lanyard alternatives. These tool lanyards are built to withstand defined weight limits and can easily be used by any worker to help avoid accidentally dropping objects that could cause extensive property damage and serious, potentially deadly injuries. This tool tether is third-party certified to a 10 lb maximum working capacity with a 2:1 safety factor.
Note: This is a non-returnable item.
Note: This is a non-returnable item.
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