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Trex 6300 One Piece Slip-on Ice Cleats, 2x-large, Black, Pair, Ships In 1-3 Business Days
Trex 6300 One Piece Slip-on Ice Cleats, 2x-large, Black, Pair, Ships In 1-3 Business Days
Trex 6300 One Piece Slip-on Ice Cleats, 2x-large, Black, Pair, Ships In 1-3 Business Days
Trex 6300 One Piece Slip-on Ice Cleats, 2x-large, Black, Pair, Ships In 1-3 Business Days
Trex 6300 One Piece Slip-on Ice Cleats, 2x-large, Black, Pair, Ships In 1-3 Business Days
Trex 6300 One Piece Slip-on Ice Cleats, 2x-large, Black, Pair, Ships In 1-3 Business Days
Trex 6300 One Piece Slip-on Ice Cleats, 2x-large, Black, Pair, Ships In 1-3 Business Days


Trex 6300 One Piece Slip-on Ice Cleats, 2x-large, Black, Pair, Ships In 1-3 Business Days

Regular price $21.51
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The TREX 6300 Slip-On Ice Cleats are lightweight ice grips for boots with eight replaceable spike grips and one-piece design for a snug fit over winter boots to prevent slip and fall injuries on the ice. These ice cleats provide tenacious traction and extra stability on ice and snow. These ice grippers feature eight rugged carbon steel cleats on the ball and heel of foot for grip on slippery terrain. These will fit over any style of boot or shoe for traction and stability during winter work or other winter outdoor activities. Tested to be flexible in temperatures down to -40°F (-40°C), the stretchable rubber material provides a secure fit and easy slip-on/off wear. These snow cleats are lightweight and can be folded small enough to be stored in a pocket or pack when not being worn. Stretchy design means no tightening or adjustments needed and should fit snugly on your boot or shoe. Use your shoe/boot size to determine the approximate size.

Note: This is a non-returnable item.

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